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"We rolled out of the way a crater was left where we stood before." missing something linking this together "and of Minte compared to his other deeply held beliefs..." no idea what you are saying here. I get that you mean he thinks nothing of Minte because flat, but I don't understand this particular phrase. "I was just talking about your own personal gimp, but hey, whatever floats your boat." implies Ba'el has seen Pulp Fiction "more concerned about their own safety and getting their unconscious and wounded out of harm's way" they were selfish and selfless "I heard Minte say from the corner of my eye." heard with my eyes "I'll take whatever punishment she can dish out later." FYI you never delivered on this. Not important but it might be a good scene.
"A man of that size would have no trouble looking into the window of a two story building" I also have no problems looking into a window of a two story building because the first floor also has windows. "It was a joke in poor taste. There wasn't any humor to be found in something like that, yet she couldn't stop laughing. She was the only one laughing. Even her minions and students didn't dare crack a smile. From the expression on their faces, this was a bridge too far." Not exactly redundancy but you repeat yourself too much here. "Stalactites and stalagmites registered no more than girls." I thought the chamber was super tall. Stalactites hang off the ceiling so they would be VERY far away. Maybe change to "Stalagmites and columns". "against the party crashers we were." clunky "From one girl to the next, he studied each of them. When he finally laid his eyes lastly on Chris" contradicts "his pupilless white eyes made it impossible to truly know where he was even looking" More later