

Page history last edited by Anonymoose 1 year, 5 months ago

News and Updates (March 21 2023)


Work is progressing on bringing the first two volumes into line. In the meantime, I commissioned Bell (https://twitter.com/Bell_orgel) for a reference sheet of an updated design for Ba'el. https://twitter.com/Bell_orgel/status/1638160162346377216

I think it came out quite wonderful and I'd like to extend my thanks. The story will continue when I wrap up an update of volume 2 in the near future. Some minor edits to bring descriptions of Ba'el to the new and improved design as well. I intend to secure a character reference sheet like the one above for the other four girls over time, as my budget and appropriate artists allows and become available.




Doing some rework of Volume one and two (minor elsewhere) that are long overdue. They'll be down off the first page for a bit. Three through six will stay on first page.


Intended Minor changes, spoilers

Volume 1: Amazons replaced with more orcs and orc lore. Slight change to how interactions with people of Brun, encounter with Inquisitor. More lore exposition with old tailor Donald for world building purposes. 

1 through 10 complete 

Volume 2: New prologue chapter to replace the old one, city arc with Laven and Rose first, Shoshana arc afterward. New Ending chapter.


September 13th - Chapters 1-11 Volume 1 completed.



Anonymoose's Monster Girl Saga


That's this story's title due to a lack of a more clever or fitting title and may change in the future.



This story is about a man who has been pulled out of our world and thrust, sink or swim, into another. It is a world of miracles and magic and mankind shares it with all manner of creatures from folklore. These creatures, however, recently (a few centuries ago) metamorphosed into beautiful women. These girls may look human now, but they retain iconic features of their previous forms while some remain a bit monstrous at heart. Although they have lost their compulsion to maim, kill, and devour men, the compulsion has been replaced with a new drive: Lust. Male monsters have ceased to be, the sole outlet for their lust and reproduction are human men. Their only means of survival is to woo them. Those still monstrous at heart may be a little more forceful.


This transformation has flipped the previous world on its head. Now the stage is being set for a final conflict between man and monster. For over 10,000 years man and monster waged an endless war. Now no one can imagine how this final conflict between man and monster girl will play out. Its final chapter is being written and the die has been cast. The newly crowned Monster Lord seeks to establish a hegemony and banish the old world order. One where monsterkind reigns supreme. Joined together with man. Whether that be in (un)holy matrimony, or through ravishing hedonism.


Meanwhile, the religious orders of the old world seek to weather this final storm and emerge victorious. To preserve man as they believe their God made them. Our protagonist is caught in the middle of this familiar yet strange land. He desperately seeks answers and a way home. Will he and his swelling party of lovers companions manage to aid him in this quest to return home again, or will they lead him to his destiny instead?



A special word of thanks for all those various artists whose works make this niche the niche that it is. A particularly special thanks to Kenkou Cross whose Monster Girl Encyclopedia forms the backbone of inspiration from which I draw when writing this story. Give his work a look over to set your mental image straight for the monsters and heroines that appear in this story. I began writing this story years ago when our knowledge of the MGE was quite nascent, my story takes place in its own separate setting, but I strive to preserve and respect the intended themes as laid out in that world. I merely wished to tell a story like it within its own related mythology, with it's own world and history.


Without further ado, I present to you the chapters of the story thus far.


The Story Thus Far:



Volume One


Volume Two


Volume Three


Volume Four


Volume Five


Volume Six


Volume Seven

Chapter 7-1

Chapter 7-2

Chapter 7-3

Chapter 7-4

Chapter 7-5





Tangentially Related Stuff:


For other things related (or not) to the story. Short stories and the like.


Rose's Dream (volume 1: end)

The Princess and the Coin (volume 3: end)

Before Dinner Minte (volume 4: end)

Star-Crossed (volume 5: end)

Take Two and You're Sore in the Morning  (post volume 4 lewd)

Address of the Beast (post volume 6 lewd)

Moonlit: Her Sun Rises (post volume 6 lewd)

Enter the Ebon Wing: Part 1 Part 2 (post volume 6)

Crusader (post volume 6)



I can be reached at jones554@hotmail.com for any questions or comments.

Height: 206 cm
(tail length): 198 cm
(wing span): 493 cm
Weight: 102 kg
B:W:H: 121-74-108

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